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I finally made it out into the world today....

I finally made it out into the world...... with not much success. I got very sick from being over stimulated.

I went to breakfast this morning with some friends as I woke feeling pretty good. However things turned south very quickly once I arrived at the Cafe. The noise, the traffic and people, the smell of fumes and food. It all made a pretty good recipe for disaster. There was too much happening and my brain did not like it one bit. And before I even ate breakfast, I was running off to the bathroom being sick :( So, not much success.

I have a pretty huge headache, kind of like a migraine and I’ve had it since yesterday afternoon, so I never went anywhere yesterday in the end. I think that was a very good things, as the headache probably didn’t help with being out this morning either. But I tried and I’m glad I tried. However now it’s time to relax and rest. Maybe I will have better luck tomorrow. Who knows! Lol

Hope everyone has a lovely day today.


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