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FND and ME

One year ago everything was normal, then a virus suddenly struck me down. Little did I know, from that day forward everything would change. This is my FND Journey.

The Story


8 months ago everything was normal, I was healthy and social, I owned a business and was studying, I was active and adventurous, I lived overseas on a tropical island and the world was my oyster. Then a virus suddenly struck me down. Little did I know, from that day forward everything would change.

FND is Functional Neurological Disorder. ME is Myalgic Encephalitis also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Doctors don't know how or why it happens, they don't know what it is caused by (although alot of the time its post viral), they don't know the biology behind it and they don't how to treat it or cure it. It's a guessing game and apparently everyone is invited to play.

This is my FND and ME journey and story.

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Hear It From Me


Hi and welcome to my page.

This is my personal journey through a recent and very scary illness called Functional Neurological Disorder. Its not widely known and most doctors dont know what it is, and if they do, they dont know biologically what it is and why it happens. But all of us that have it have a similar story, symptoms and experience.

My story starts with getting suddenly ill with an unknown virus while living overseas. Over a 3 - 4 month period, symptoms persisting, the doctors kept doing tests, but nothing could be found. Finally I flew back to Australia as my symptoms got considerably worse and scary over a short period of time and I was starting to worry. Once in Australia, I was quickly diagnosed with a mosquito bourn virus called Ross River Virus. Although I felt instant relief finally knowing what was happening, my symptoms continued to get worse and new symptoms started showing that didn't fit RRV.... Turns out this diagnosis was only the beginning.

Doctors, numerous blood tests, Neurologists, MRI scans and thousands of dollars later, I was diagnosed with FND, ME/CFS and FM (Functional Neurological Disorder, Myalgic Encepholitus / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fybromyalgia). The Neurologist who diagnosed me, quickly dismissed me and sent me off with nothing more than a hand written website name and was told to go research it myself. So off I went, feeling very rejected, disheartened, confused and a little crazy to be honest. Once home I started researching.

The more I researched, the more angry I got. Nothing was explained to me by my doctors. No help was given to me by my doctors. And I was not the only person out there that shared this experience. It seemed that this invisible illness was so invisable, that no one even wanted to acknowledge that it exists.

I have found some helpful support groups online and some helpful websites, but largely Doctors, Neurologists and other specialists do not seem to want to help, or are unable to help due to insufficent knowledge or experience and most of us seem to be dismissed, jumping from doctor to doctor with no relief or support.

I have since decided to take my health into my own hands and I am willing to try anything to releive me of my symptoms and assist in recovery.

So there it is, my story (in the short form) and how I got to this point.

This site is designed to help me track my progress, to bring awareness to this invisible illness and to support and inspire others to not give up, no matter how dark it seems.

Thank you for visiting my site and for your support.


PS. there will be a number of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes through this page. Please be kind. I suffer neurological issues, which means at times I forget things, I cant spell, I can be dyslexic, things can often make sense in my mind but to others make no sense at all. Its all part of my journey and I will not be correcting anything with spell check as I want to track my journey and make it as authentic and real as possible. Thanks for understanding :)


#FNDandME #FNDHope #MECFS #Fybro #invisibleillness #Myjourney #authentic

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