Goodbye Bali.
Its happening at last. I'm getting off the island, heading home so I can start some treatment.
So as you all know, I have been stuck over seas unable to get home. Travelling here took it out of me and I crashed so hard, I was actually scared. I've finally recovered from the initial flight over and now I am going home. And its not been as bad as I thought.
Due to all the volcano drama, the airport is actually really quiet, with not a lot of people around. My poor senses have not been overloaded or over stimulated and I am feeling pretty good about it. The worst part so far was having to carry my luggage. I have lost considerable strength in my body since falling unwell and I can barely carry a plate of food let alone 25kg of luggage. So that was hard. However I managed to push through.
I have come more prepared this time too. I have my sound cancelling head phones, I have my eye mask, I have rescue remedy, I have my meditation tracks and hypnotherapy tracks and I have my journal. I feel like I am more prepared mentally too. I spent all day manifesting a good flight and meditating good thoughts. And I know exactly what can happen if I crash, so I am prepared for that now too. All of this makes a difference for sure.
I also am feeling much better about letting go of some toxic people who cause me stress. I didn't realise how much this person affected my mental health until now. I am very happy with how I am feeling so I am wondering how much better will I feel once I've cleaned up all of the weeds in my life. It will be a slow process, but I am looking forward to this journey a bit more now.
I am definitely handling things much better today.
We all have plenty of bad days and not a lot of good days. But I am happy to say at least we have good days. It's something I have learnt to become very grateful for <3
Anyways, wish me all luck for the rest of this trip. I will check in with everyone tomorrow and let you know how I am holding up.
Have a wonderful day and evening guys and remember to look after yourselves.
Sending healing vibes everyones way